Wed 30 Oct 14:00: Water can move mountains: hydrologically induced deformation in the Apennines (Italy) and Sierra Nevada (California) observed from GNSS data
The redistribution of water masses due to temporal variations of hydrological conditions can produce observable deformation of the shallow crust. Space geodetic techniques, such as GNSS , have provided a considerable improvement in terms of data accuracy and spatial and temporal resolution for the detection and investigation of this kind of deformation. In particular, in the areas where snow and water accumulate for long periods, such as mountainous areas and aquifers, relatively high deformation (up to several millimeters in the vertical and horizontal components) has been observed. In this work, we analyze two areas which are interesting from both hydrological and tectonic point of views. The Apennines represent one of the most seismic areas of Italy. The karst aquifers hosted in this mountain range are able to store huge quantities of groundwater and provide water supply for large cities like Rome and Naples. The Sierra Nevada provides most of California’s water supply and is located right next to a large and still active volcanic system that includes Long Valley Caldera. Combining displacement data from dense permanent GNSS networks with various hydrological records we analyze these two case-studies to deconvolve the transient, hydrological deformation from steady-state, tectonic deformation. We show that the karst aquifers of the Apennines deform in response to seasonal and interannual variations of groundwater content, producing a visible transient signal in the time series of the surrounding GNSS sites. This suggests that the large karst aquifers of this region alternately expand and contract in response to higher/lower groundwater content in the aquifers and, consequently to variable hydraulic head. Thanks to the availability of a dense GNSS network and different kinds of hydrological data we focus on the process causing the observed deformation. Sierra Nevada represents a geophysically complex area due to the presence of an active magmatic system, tectonic motion with associated seismicity and the hydrological forcing associated with the huge amount of precipitation that falls on the Sierra Nevada and its spatiotemporal variability. These superimposed tectonic and non-tectonic processes cause composite deformation including long-term tectonic motion, episodic inflation of the resurgent dome and variable seasonal and multi-year displacements from surface water loading and subsurface discharge/recharge. We observe a clear vertical deformation pattern whose spatiotemporal variability is likely related to surface loading acting both at the large (regional or continental) and local scales. We highlight anomalous horizontal deformation in the GNSS sites on the Sierra Nevada range front, showing its clear correlation with spring discharge. We investigate possible causes of this significant deformation, including response to snowpack loading and the influence of groundwater recharge.
- Speaker: Francesca Silverii, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Italy)
- Wednesday 30 October 2024, 14:00-15:00
- Venue: Wolfson Lecture Theatre.
- Series: Bullard Laboratories Wednesday Seminars; organiser: Adriano Gualandi.
Mon 11 Nov 13:00: Title to be confirmed
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Zoltán Taracsák (University of Cambridge)
- Monday 11 November 2024, 13:00-14:00
- Venue: Harker 1, Department of Earth Sciences, Downing Street.
- Series: Cambridge Volcanology Seminar; organiser: Matthew Morris.
Mon 28 Oct 13:00: Title to be confirmed
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Carrie Soderman (University of Cambridge)
- Monday 28 October 2024, 13:00-14:00
- Venue: Harker 1, Department of Earth Sciences, Downing Street.
- Series: Cambridge Volcanology Seminar; organiser: Matthew Morris.
Mon 14 Oct 13:00: Title to be confirmed
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Max Van Wyk De Vries (University of Cambridge)
- Monday 14 October 2024, 13:00-14:00
- Venue: Harker 1, Department of Earth Sciences, Downing Street.
- Series: Cambridge Volcanology Seminar; organiser: Matthew Morris.
Fri 27 Sep 14:00: Nonlinear Preconditioning for Implicit Solution of Discretized PDEs
Nonlinear preconditioning refers to transforming a nonlinear algebraic system to a form for which Newton-type algorithms have improved success through quicker advance to the domain of quadratic convergence. We place these methods, which go back at least as far as the Additive Schwarz Preconditioned Inexact Newton (ASPIN, 2002), in the context of a proliferation of variations distinguished by being left- or right-sided, multiplicative or additive, non-overlapping or overlapping, and partitioned by field, subdomain, or other criteria, as described in a recent special issue of J Comp Phys dedicated to Roland Glowinski [Liu et al., 2024]. We present the Nonlinear Elimination Preconditioned Inexact Newton (NEPIN, 2021), which is based on a heuristic bad/good heuristic splitting of equations and corresponding degrees of freedom. We augment basic forms of nonlinear preconditioning with three features of practical interest: a cascadic identification of the bad discrete equation set, an adaptive switchover to ordinary Newton as the domain of convergence is approached, and error bounds on output functionals of the solution. Various nonlinearly stiff algebraic and model PDE problems are considered for insight and we illustrate performance advantage and scaling potential on challenging two-phase flows in porous media, as well as some early results in second-order training methods for neural networks.
- Speaker: David Keyes, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Friday 27 September 2024, 14:00-15:00
- Venue: Open Plan Area, Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.
- Series: Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF); organiser: Catherine Pearson.
Mon 28 Oct 13:00: Title to be confirmed
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Carrie Soderman (University of Cambridge)
- Monday 28 October 2024, 13:00-14:00
- Venue: In-person venue to be confirmed.
- Series: Cambridge Volcanology Seminar; organiser: Matthew Morris.
Mon 14 Oct 13:00: Title to be confirmed
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Max Van Wyk De Vries (University of Cambridge)
- Monday 14 October 2024, 13:00-14:00
- Venue: In-person venue to be confirmed.
- Series: Cambridge Volcanology Seminar; organiser: Matthew Morris.
Mon 11 Nov 13:00: Title to be confirmed
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Zoltán Taracsák (University of Cambridge)
- Monday 11 November 2024, 13:00-14:00
- Venue: In-person venue to be confirmed.
- Series: Cambridge Volcanology Seminar; organiser: Matthew Morris.
Thu 24 Oct 11:30: TBC
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Matthew Alford, Scripps UCSD
- Thursday 24 October 2024, 11:30-12:30
- Venue: Open Plan Area, Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.
- Series: Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF); organiser: Catherine Pearson.
Thu 17 Oct 11:30: TBC
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Nicole Shibley (University of Cambridge)
- Thursday 17 October 2024, 11:30-12:30
- Venue: Open Plan Area, Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.
- Series: Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF); organiser: Catherine Pearson.
Thu 10 Oct 11:30: TBC
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Mai Bui, Imperial College London
- Thursday 10 October 2024, 11:30-12:30
- Venue: Open Plan Area, Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows, Madingley Rise CB3 0EZ.
- Series: Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows (IEEF); organiser: Catherine Pearson.
Tue 05 Nov 12:00: A geochemical test of the Snowball Earth hypothesis.
The Snowball Earth hypothesis predicts that the hydrological cycle was effectively shut down for millions of years, cutting off silicate weathering of the continental crust. In this scenario, the deep ocean should have equilibrated with the geochemistry of mantle through hydrothermal exchange at mid-ocean ridges. Here we report the discovery of mantle-like Sr isotope values in marine carbonate and barite that rest directly above ca. 717-661 Ma Sturtian glacial deposits in Oman. These new data and geochemical modeling support an extreme Snowball Earth scenario with near complete ice cover and reduced continental weathering for 56 Myr. The duration and extent of the Sturtian glaciation created a major bottleneck for the evolution of eukaryotes, clearing the way for the rise of algae and origin of animals.
- Speaker: Francis Macdonald, UC Berkeley
- Tuesday 05 November 2024, 12:00-13:00
- Venue: Department of Earth Sciences, Tilley Lecture Theatre.
- Series: Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown); organiser: Dr Rachael Rhodes.
Tue 26 Nov 12:00: Title to be confirmed
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Phoebe Koundouri, Athens University of Economics and Business
- Tuesday 26 November 2024, 12:00-13:00
- Venue: Department of Earth Sciences, Tilley Lecture Theatre.
- Series: Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown); organiser: Dr Rachael Rhodes.
Tue 03 Dec 12:00: Title to be confirmed
Abstract not available
- Speaker: David Thornalley, University College London
- Tuesday 03 December 2024, 12:00-13:00
- Venue: Department of Earth Sciences, Tilley Lecture Theatre.
- Series: Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown); organiser: Dr Rachael Rhodes.
Tue 12 Nov 12:00: The post-Variscan evolution of Ireland – *a case study in constraining shallow crustal exhumation and deformation
The Cenozoic uplift and exhumation history of the British Isles has been attributed to epeirogenic exhumation driven by the proto-Iceland plume, or multiple phases of Cenozoic compression driven by far-field stresses. This talk focusses on the post-Variscan exhumation and shallow crustal deformation history of Ireland and western Britain, which in Ireland is particularly challenging to constrain given the near-complete absence of post-Variscan sediments.
High-resolution thermal history models (from inverse modelling of apatite fission track and (U–Th–Sm)/He data from vertical bedrock profiles) clearly show rapid Paleocene exhumation (1 – 2.5 km) focused on the Irish Sea. Paleocene exhumation is greatest in the north of the Irish Sea and decreases to the south and west. Its spatial distribution agrees with the extent of magmatic underplating inferred from receiver function data and lithospheric thickness estimates derived from surface wave tomography. Earlier (Mesozoic) exhumation onshore is linked to hinterland exhumation during the complex and long-lived rifting history of neighbouring offshore basins. The extent of Neogene exhumation is difficult to constrain due to the poor sensitivity of the thermochronometers at low temperatures but appears most signifcant on the western Atlantic coast. The Cenozoic topographic evolution of a significant portion of British Isles thus appears to be the result of plume-driven uplift and exhumation, with inversion playing a secondary role.
Even so, Cenozoic shortening has affected onshore Ireland. The Carboniferous North Dublin Basin (150 km north of the supposed Variscan “front”) exhibits tight chevron folds and kinematically linked calcite vein sets, along with bedding-parallel veins with slickenfibres. Late Eocene LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages were obtained from many calcite veins, including fold hinge breccias and bedding-parallel slickenfibre veins clearly associated with N-S shortening (flexural slip). This late Eocene fold reactivation is attributed to far-field, N-directed shortening associated with the Alpine/Pyrenean orogenies, but was not of sufficient magnitiude to manifest in the low-temperature thermochronology record.
- Speaker: David Chew, Trinity College Dublin
- Tuesday 12 November 2024, 12:00-13:00
- Venue: Department of Earth Sciences, Tilley Lecture Theatre.
- Series: Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown); organiser: Dr Rachael Rhodes.
Tue 15 Oct 12:00: The Red Queen, Mars, living and dying fast and young: macroevolution in graptoloids
This talk will summarize a number of recent studies, and ongoing research, based on a remarkable timeseries of evolution and extinction in the graptoloids. This group of organisms was the major component of the macrozooplankton during the Ordovician and Silurian periods, between approximately 480 and 420 million years ago. The data reveal evidence for Milankovitch pacing and diversity dependence of evolution and extinction rates, the dominance of very short-lived, “ephemeral” species, and both distinction and continuity between times of “background” and mass extinction.
- Speaker: James Crampton, Victoria University of Wellington
- Tuesday 15 October 2024, 12:00-13:00
- Venue: Department of Earth Sciences, Tilley Lecture Theatre.
- Series: Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown); organiser: Dr Rachael Rhodes.
Wed 16 Oct 14:00: Title to be confirmed
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Foivos Karakostas, UCL
- Wednesday 16 October 2024, 14:00-15:00
- Venue: Wolfson Lecture Theatre.
- Series: Bullard Laboratories Wednesday Seminars; organiser: Tom Merry.
Tue 12 Nov 12:00: The post-Variscan evolution of Ireland – *a case study in constraining shallow crustal exhumation and deformation
Abstract not available
- Speaker: David Chew, Trinity College Dublin
- Tuesday 12 November 2024, 12:00-13:00
- Venue: Department of Earth Sciences, Tilley Lecture Theatre.
- Series: Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown); organiser: Dr Rachael Rhodes.
Tue 29 Oct 12:00: Active plate tectonics in the Paleoarchean
Plate tectonics has played a major role in the Earth’s evolution, both in the cooling of the planetary interior, and, it is widely argued, the maintenance of liquid water and life at the surface. But was the Earth always like this? The answer to this question is most likely to lie in relicts of the early Earth’s surface, preserved in Archean greenstone belts and found in almost all the cratons. In this talk, I compare field relations in the 3.5 – 3.2 Ga Barberton Greenstone Belt in South Africa and Eswatini with the active New Zealand subducting plate-boundary zone. I show that there are remarkable similarities in structure and stratigraphy, with many of the distinctive features of convergent plate margins, and I argue that the simplest explanation is that plate tectonics was fully active in the Paleoarchean, generating great earthquakes on the subduction megathrust and growth folds and major low angle thrusts in the overlying accretionary prism and subsequent continental collision.
Oceania in the SW Pacific may provide us with the closest modern example of the surface of the Paleoarchean Earth, forming a water world with active volcanoes, back-arc spreading and small continental landmasses along a subducting plate boundary with local continental collision. In fact, the eruption of boninites here in the back-arc region may be a direct analogy for the typical komatiitic volcanism in the early Earth. The explosive eruption of Hunga Volcano near Tonga in 2022 could even provide clues to the origin of life, suggesting that life was born out of the extreme violence of plate tectonics, a far cry from Darwin’s benign and warm little pond!
- Speaker: Simon Lamb, Victoria University of Wellington
- Tuesday 29 October 2024, 12:00-13:00
- Venue: Department of Earth Sciences, Tilley Lecture Theatre.
- Series: Department of Earth Sciences Seminars (downtown); organiser: Dr Rachael Rhodes.
Wed 06 Nov 14:00: Title to be confirmed
Abstract not available
- Speaker: Adina Pusok, University of Oxford
- Wednesday 06 November 2024, 14:00-15:00
- Venue: Wolfson Lecture Theatre.
- Series: Bullard Laboratories Wednesday Seminars; organiser: Tom Merry.
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