Instrument List:
Thermo MAT 253 and Kiel IV
Thermo MAT 253-Kiel/Porapak trap
Thermo MAT253 IRMS coupled to a Kiel Device for dual inlet measurement of δ18O and δ13C in foraminifera samples routinely down to 25ug in size
Sira with Multicarb for automated dual inlet measurement of carbonate samples for δ18O and δ13C
Thermo MAT253 with collector upgrade, Kiel Device and in-house built Porapak trap for automated routine 'clumped' isotope measurement
Thermo Delta V Adv./Gasbench
Thermo Delta V Adv./Gasbench
Thermo Delta V Plus and Costech



Continuous flow measurement of acid digested bulk carbonate samples for δ18O and δ13C using the Thermo Delta V, Gasbench and CTC autosampler
Alternative use of the Thermo Gasbench for δ18O measurement in water by equilibration or δ13C of DIC in water samples
Costech EA combusting solid samples for simultaneous %N, %C, δ15N and δ13C analysis by continuous flow into the Thermo Delta V Plus
Picarro L1 102-i
Netzsch/Picarro L2 130-i
Picarro L2 140-i
Picarro cavity ring down spectrometer to measure δD and δ18O of water
Measures δD and δ18O of hydration water in minerals liberated by stepped heating
Picarro cavity ring down spectrometers to measure δD, δ18O, and δ17O of water
Thermo Delta V Adv. with TCEA
Continuous flow analysis of oxygen isotope ratios with the Thermo TC/EA high temperature conversion elemental analyser
Measured evolved gases from solids using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy
Weighed sediment samples are acidified on the AutoMate allowing the linked Coulometer to measure the carbonate (inorganic) carbon content
Sedimentary Lab Instruments:
Coulter Counter
Avaatech XRF Core Scanner



The Coulter Counter pulls sediment suspension through an aperture tube to count particles and measure size
The XRF Scanner allows rapid non-destructive measurement of elemental variation in unprocessed sediment cores
Sediment particles are allowed to settle. By using Stoke's law and an X-Ray beam particle size is measured